
Axillary Web Syndrome – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments


Cording is often noticed in the arm area, the web-like structures are more obvious after some days, weeks or months after the surgical operation or radiation therapy [4], some of the signs include:

  • Pain: for some people, the feeling of pain and tightness occurs first before the web-like structures are noticed in the under arm, while for others, it occurs in a reverse mode. This feeling makes stretching the arm forward or over the head difficult.
  • Scarring tissue: this is formed under the arm, at the point where the lymph nodes were removed during surgery. This tissue may vary in size and thickness. This scarring tissue may extend to the elbow, wrist and sometimes torso.
  • Decreased movements: due to the pain and tightness of the arm. It results in difficulty moving the arm upwards and inability to fully straighten the elbow. This limitation makes the daily activity of the individual more difficult.