
Do Termites Bite? Symptoms, Risks, Treatment and More

Do termites really bite and are their bites harmful?

Termite very rarely bites humans. This is because while you may have a termite infestation in your home their business is with woods and other plant-based matter. They don’t seek out humans or other living creatures like parasites [1], which feed on blood.

A colony of termites is filled with different types and breeds. A termite that is most likely to bite you is known as a soldier termite, but still this is unlikely since their focus is still on woods and trees. Even when they do bite you, it is usually nothing serious and would cause no serious risk to one’s health. Soldier termites are a stronger breed compared to workers. They have more developed and stronger mouthparts and serve the purpose of defending the colony from predators like ants. Their heads are larger than worker termites and brown, rather than white, this contributes to why they are referred to as soldiers. They also don’t have eyes or wings.

Before you suspect it to be a termite bite, consider it to be other insects, such as:

  • Mosquito
  • Flea
  • Tick
  • Bedbug [2]
  • Chigger

These are insects that are more likely to bite you compared to termites.

Do termites that have wings bite?

Yes, there are termites that have wings. Certain termites in a well-developed colony develop wings to swarm in warm weather, mate and create a new colony. These termites are not a risk to people. They have wings that are the same size and have straight antennae. They may be yellow or black and no they do not bite people.