
Health Benefits of Lysine

Helps with Calcium Absorption and Retention

Calcium is an important nutrient in the body that plays a critical role in bone development and many other biological processes. Research suggests that lysine may improve your body’s ability to absorb and retain calcium.

A study involving 30 women [4] (where 15 were healthy and 15 had osteoporosis) found that supplementing with calcium and lysine reduced the amount of calcium lost in the urine. Participants who took only 3 grams of calcium had a progressive loss of calcium in their urine. It was those who also took 400 mg of calcium who experienced a reduction in calcium loss via urine.

Lysine may also help coordinate where calcium is transported in the body. A study showed that lysine helped prevent the buildup of calcium in the blood vessels of rats [5]. This can of buildup can harden and narrow the blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart disease.