
How to Make Your Daily Commute Mindful

Surrender to Your Present

When you are stuck in traffic or are in a crowded public bus, you may experience an increasing a feeling of impatience. In most cases, the impatience is felt by everyone in the same situation as you.

The best way to calm yourself is to focus on accepting your present. No matter how uncomfortable the situation is, it won’t last forever. Therefore, focusing on accepting the situation will help you remain calm and patient.

Surrender and acceptance are two main components of mindfulness practice. However, they are usually difficult to practice.

What Are the Benefits

A 2017 study in healthy young adults showed that accepting your present situation helps you control your emotions and stabilize your thoughts. Another 2017 study showed that attention, acceptance, and relaxation exercises [5] are the most effective ways to prevent and control negative thoughts.

According to a 2019 study, an adaptive strategy of acceptance may improve cortisol recovery or recovery from stress. [6]