
Is Mouthwash Bad for You?

Side effects of mouthwash without alcohol

There are certain side effects of mouth wash that are not linked to the presence of alcohol in the ingredients. An oral rinse without alcohol also has its side effect, they are;

They can remove your healthy oral microbiome

The purpose of mouthwash (whether with alcohol or without) is to kill off bacteria in the mouth. There are certain bacteria in the mouth that can cause cavities or bad breath, while there are some that are referred to as oral microbiome [1], which is used to break down the food and maintain healthy teeth and gums.

There are over 75 to 200 trillion types of bacteria in the body that reside in and on the body, living together and helping the body function. These bacteria and other microorganisms make up what is called the human microbiome.

Oral rinses are unable to differentiate bad bacteria from good bacteria; therefore, mouthwash can cause harm if used excessively. It kills microbiomes and disturbs the normal function of the body. Dentists advise people to avoid killing off all the bacteria in the mouth, therefore it is important to add gentler antiseptic formulas for health purposes.

This effect is similar to hand sanitizers, which can destroy all the germs in the hands even the ones that help the immune system stay active. The microbes and bacteria found in the mouth produce chemicals required by the body to function properly. These chemicals are important in controlling blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, and other important body activities.

People that use mouthwash more than twice a day experience decrease in the important chemicals in the body by 90 percent, this implies that insulin sensitivity [2] is disrupted and could lead to diabetes [3].