
Showering Daily- Is It Necessary?

Why You Should Shower Every Day?

People choose to shower every day for various reasons asides it being healthier, these reasons include;

  • It assists people with waking up
  • It is seen as a morning routine by people who work out regularly
  • It eradicates or reduces body odor

Each of these reasons are valid, because, personal or work relationship can be jeopardized when people begin to talk about body odor or personal hygiene. However, what is acceptable in this regard differs from culture to culture. And some of the things we do when it comes to cleaning habit is heavily affected by marketing. There are certain instructions on shampoo bottles such as “lather, rinse, repeat”, this instruction does not force people to wash their hair more than once a day, but it sells more because people follow the instruction.

Doctors are not completely sure about the effects of showering every day on our health, some even believe that it could be harmful.