
Signs of Fleas in Bed: How to Find and Remove Them


You may have a flea infestation if you notice itchy red dots along your shins, ankles, and feet, you may have a flea infestation. Multiple flea bites often appear as a straight line on your lower limbs. In some instances, flea bites may have a red halo surrounding their center.

Fleas rarely bite people on the face, arms, and neck, instead they are more likely to attack your lower body parts. They may bite behind your knees, where skin is warm and moist. If your pet likes to sleep near your head, you may see bites in your elbow bends and on your upper body as well. Red dots on your face or chest may also be a sign of fleas.

You may also experience an allergic reaction to the bite. Symptoms include hives, swelling, rash, intense, extreme itching and signs of anaphylaxis [4], including shortness of breath.