
Top 8 Foods High in Vitamin E

Butternut squash & Spinach

Butternut squash is plant-bearing squash with a bottle-shaped fruit that has edible flesh and a smooth, thin rind. It is one of the most common types of winter squash. It is an excellent source of many nutrients including vitamin A and potassium. Its high fiber content makes it good for the gut. This vegetable also contains vitamin E. You should get around 1.3 milligrams [4] of this vitamin in 100 grams of butternut squash.

Spinach is widely cultivated for its dark green leaves. It is stuffed with several important nutrients and has a wide range of health benefits. These include blood sugar management and bone strengthening. It is also believed to help reduce the risk of cancer. The vitamin E present in spinach is higher than most vegetables. It contains around 2.1 milligrams [5] of this vitamin in every 100-gram serving.