
What Is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?

Are HSPs common?

Studies show that the world is made up of over 20% of highly sensitive people. If you are in this group, you can help yourself by focusing on ways to live with the cons of high sensitivity.


Several factors are responsible for high sensitivity. Some of them include genetics, evolution, environment, and some childhood experiences. Experts suggest that animals with high sensitivity can easily survive in dangerous situations because they are always looking out for predators. Placing your guard up every time can lead to anxiety [1].

Your relationship with your parents while growing up also affects your sensitivity. For instance, if you lack parental support and affection, you’ll be prone to high sensitivity.

High sensitivity can be passed from parent to child. Dopamine [2] is a neurotransmitter that plays a vital role in changing your personality. It also makes you more prone to high sensitivity. If there is a history of high sensitivity in your family, you will be susceptible to the condition. Also, your genes may evolve after some years due to negative childhood experiences.