
Parkinson’s Disease Medication: What To Know

Symmetrel & Anticholinergics (Artane, Cogentin)

Symmetrel is often used to treat people with mild Parkinson’s disease. It can result in several side effects, such as memory problems, and confusion. The medication boosts the quantity of dopamine in the brain and improves symptoms of PD. Studies show that the drug can help prevent or reduce involuntary movements (dyskinesia) [4] linked with Sinemet therapy.

Doctors prescribe anticholinergics to maintain and restore the balance between the two major brain chemicals, acetylcholine and dopamine, by reducing the quantity of acetylcholine [5]. The drug helps treat muscle stiffness and tremor in people with Parkinson’s disease. However, the drugs can also reduce memory activeness, particular in older patients. This is why doctors rarely prescribe them to patients.