
Psoriatic Arthritis Medication: Pain Relief and Natural Remedies

DMARDs and Immunosuppressants

Disease modifying antirheumatic drugs are commonly used if the condition is serious or you NSAIDs are not working. They are used to reduce or stop pain, swelling and joint or tissue damage. They are more potent than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and it takes more time for their effects to be seen. Examples of DMARDs that are commonly used are; Leflunomide (arava), methotrexate (otrexup, rasuvo, rheumatrex, trexall) and sulfasalazine (Azulfidine).

These drugs are used by people that cannot use DMARDs. They are used to rein the immune system (which is responsible for this condition in the first place). They are also used to make you more susceptible to infections. Examples are; cyclosporine (gengraf, neoral, sandimmune).