
 7 Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease

Stage 2 – basic forgetfulness

Everybody can get easily distracted now and then, and that is probably going to happen all the more frequently with age. The beginning phases of Alzheimer’s can look like typical forgetfulness that comes with age. Persons may have memory slips, including forgetting individuals’ names or where they left their keys, yet they can still drive, work and attend social events. Nonetheless, these memory slips become more successive. Early treatment may help slow the progression down.

Stage 3 – noticeable memory difficulties

Basic troubles in this stage go past forgetting names and losing objects. Persons may:

  • Experience difficulty recalling recently read the material, like books or magazines.
  • Find recalling plans and organizing progressively troublesome.
  • Have more trouble remembering a name or word.
  • Experience difficulties in group environments or at work.