What Is Clogged Artery?
Clogged artery is a condition where fats, cholesterol, and other substances accumulate in the walls of the artery and prevent the flow of blood. Doctors usually recommend certain drugs such as aspirin, or cholesterol-reducing drugs. In severe cases, your doctor may recommend surgery.
Over the years, various studies have shown that certain natural tips may treat clogged arteries, and reduce the risk of developing heart disease. For example, certain foods, such as tomatoes, oats, leafy greens, fish, beans, and berries can unclog arteries. You can add any of these meals to your diets to reduce the risk of developing clogged arteries.
Atherosclerosis is the accumulation of fat deposits in the artery walls. It is also commonly referred to a hardening of the arteries or clogged arteries. Atherosclerosis causes thinning of the arteries and slows down blood flow to the heart and other parts of the body. Studies show that foods that contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and other essential compounds can help prevent the accumulation of fat deposits on your arteries.
In this article, we will be discussing 15 natural tips that may help treat clogged arteries.