
Facts about Pain in Left Side of Belly Button

Other Common Causes of Pain in Left Belly Button

In addition to diverticulitis, pain in the left belly button can be caused by:

– Gas: It is normal to pass gas, which can be found in the digestive tract. It would be caused by smoking, overeating, swallowing more air, indigestion, or chewing gum.

– Hernia: This health issue is caused when an internal organ pushes through the tissue or muscle surrounding it. It can be characterized by a bulge or lump in the groin or abdomen.

– Indigestion: This digestive issue often occurs after each meal. It is caused by stomach acid, which irritates the bowel, stomach, or esophagus.

– Kidney stones: They might cause pain when moving into the uterus or around inside the kidney. [2]