
Eczema and Inflammation- Everything You Need to Know

Common causes on Inflammation in people with Eczema

Inflammation may or may not occur when you have eczema, there are certain things that trigger it, such as:


Certain foods increases the chances of inflammation occurring, including:

  • Fried food such as fried chicken or french fries
  • red or processed meat, like burgers, stakes, sausages, or hotdogs
  • Sodas and other sugary drinks
  • Refined carbs like white bread, cookies, and cake.
  • Margarine, shortening and lard.

Eliminating these foods from your diet can protect you against eczema and help clear your skin. But it is best to speak with your healthcare professional before you make any drastic diet change. Your doctor or dietician may prepare a suitable diet for you or try to clear your skin without eliminating any essential nutrients [1] from your diet. Once your skin clears, you can gradually start to add foods back to your diet.