
Foot Pain – Symptoms and Causes

Pain in the foot is a symptom that may be due to various diseases. Plantar fasciitis, bunions, heel spurs, Morton’s Neuroma, gouty arthritis are some common examples of pathologies that cause pain in the feet. [1]

Foot pain can occur in any age group; however, it is more frequent in adults who are over 40 years of age. Heel pain, swelling of the foot and ankle pain are common symptoms of foot pain. This symptom affects both women and men equally. However, foot pain is more frequent in sportspeople, in people who wear inappropriate footwear, such as high-heeled shoes in women, in people with differences in the size of the lower limbs (legs), in patients with changes in-step gait type, etc. In children, Sever’s disease is the pathology most often related to foot pain.

Pain can occur in just one foot (pain in the left foot or pain in the right foot), the causes being usually indifferent to laterality. In some cases, although less frequent, pain may affect both feet (bilateral).

Causes of Foot Pain

Here are the main causes of foot pain:

Plantar Fasciitis

This disease is one of the main causes of pain in the heel, and in some cases, the pain may radiate to other regions of the foot. It is an inflammation of the plantar fascia. This pathology’s high point of incidence occurs in the age group between 40 and 60 years, affecting both sexes equally. [2]

The plantar fasciitis pain is felt with greater intensity when exercising force on foot (stepping on the floor to walk). When you walk, the pain tends to lessen, but the pain intensifies when you stand for long periods. The pain is usually more intense when you wake up in the morning, get out of bed, and walk for the first time. Likewise, the pain is typically more intense when we sit for a long time and then take the first steps. Generally, the pain is aggravated when climbing stairs and standing for long periods. In turn, the pain tends to decrease throughout the day when we walk (when walking or during activities). [3]

As the disease progresses, the surrounding area is prone to the appearance of redness and edema (swelling).