
10 Signs You May Have Kidney Disease

Excessive urination

While it is normal to get up to go urinate at night, doing this too frequently may be a sign of an underlying health problem. If you have to go urinate too many times during the day or at night, it might be because your kidney filters are damaged. Damaged filters increase the urge to urinate [4].

Excessive urination is not always caused by kidney disease. Other health conditions like diabetes, having an overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, and prostate enlargement can also cause this symptom. See a doctor for a diagnosis.

Foamy urine

One of the earliest signs of kidney disease is foamy urine. The urine will usually contain many whitish bubbles that sometimes remain even after you have flushed the urine. According to the National Kidney Foundation [5], foamy urine in people with kidney disease sometimes resembles the kind of foam seen when scrambling eggs. Foamy urine is a sign that protein is leaking into the urine. Coincidentally, albumin—one of the proteins found in this urine—is also the protein found in eggs.