
How to Improve Kidney Functions

How to Improve the Function of Your Kidney.

Watch Your Blood Sugar & Blood Pressure

Diabetes is characterized by a high level of blood sugar. Unfortunately, the body finds it hard to utilize glucose (sugar) in your blood at this level. Since the kidney functions as a filter, it does extra work to sieve out blood the body can use. This is too much work for your kidney, in the long run, your kidney can be damaged by high blood sugar. You can control your blood sugar [3] by paying attention to your carb intake, and regular exercise.

High blood pressure can significantly damage your kidney. High cholesterol and heart diseases can arise from high blood pressure. Healthy blood pressure should read 120/80. Anything less or high suggests low or high blood pressure. Medications [4] can prove effective for treating high blood pressure. Also, making lifestyle changes such as a more healthy diet can stabilize your blood pressure.