
Why Do My Legs Hurt? 10 Causes of Lower Leg Pain

Varicose Veins

In simple terms, varicose veins [4] are described as swollen and twisting veins that typically appear dark purple or blue. They result from weak valves and vein walls. Statistics show that over twenty-three percent of all adults seem to have varicose veins. Moreover, one in four adults in the US is affected by the condition. Due to pressure in the legs, pregnant women are at risk of varicose veins, especially in the last months of pregnancy.


Lower-extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease

This condition may take place when the arteries in the legs are hardened and damaged. When the arteries narrow or end up blocked, the legs don’t get the required blood flow. Hence, the lower leg may cramp and feel severe pain when walking or performing other leg-intensive physical activity.