
PTSD Signs And Symptoms

Distortion or Invasive Symptoms

Traumatic events manifest in the form of unintended, random invasive memories, [4] or recurring nightmares. [5] Some people have flashbacks that relive the event as if it were happening, rather than just recalling of it.

You may also experience a strong reaction to things that remind you of an event. For example, a veteran who has experienced a battle may be triggered by loud sounds or fireworks, or a victim of a robbery attack may be triggered by the sight of a gun even in movies.

One or more of the following symptoms may be present:

  • Repetitive, involuntary, and intrusive unpleasant memories. This can happen suddenly as the individual is going through everyday activities. The memories are often intrusive and they are unable to block it out.
  • Recurring disturbing dreams (such as nightmares) about the event. This can go on for weeks and can cause frequent night terror.
  • The patient acts or feels as if the event is happening again; it can be different sensations, from flashbacks to a complete loss of awareness of the surrounding reality. A flashback is a visual experience where an individual relive or feel as though an event is occurring right now or experience certain elements of a traumatic incident. This can also be like watching a video of what happened, but flashbacks do not have to include seeing pictures or reliving the whole sequence of events.
  • Intense psychological or physiological discomfort when reminded of a traumatic event. (for example, in the form of sounds similar to those the patient heard during the event, or in the form of an anniversary of the event)