
Soft Palate – What to Know

Soft Palate and Hard Palate, What Is the Difference?

The hard palate [1] and soft palate are very different and perform different functions, although they both combine to form the roof of the mouth.

The hard palate occupies the front two-thirds of the roof of the mouth. It is made up of palatine bones, these pairs of bones also form the part of the nasal cavity.

The work of the hard palate is to provide structure to the mouth while separating it from the nostrils. It also gives the tongue space to move around for chewing, talking, and other actions.

The soft palate, on the other hand, occupies one-third of the roof of the mouth and isn’t made up of any bones. Unlike the hard palate, the soft palate is very flexible and moldable, since it is made up of tissues and muscles.