
The Symptoms of Pertussis(Whooping Cough)


Fever is a common and significant symptom of whooping cough. Apart from whooping cough, a fever could be linked to teething, blood clots, food poisoning, and extreme sunburn. Medications like antibiotics have side effects like a fever as well.

Fever [2] occurs in both young and older adults. It can be linked to sweating, shivering, muscle aches, loss of appetite, dehydration, and general weakness. When individuals observe any of these symptoms, it’s important to consult a licensed health practitioner.

There are different ways to treat fever. However, care for a fever depends on the level of seriousness. Low-grade fevers may not require the use of intense medical treatment. Drinking plenty of fluids, taking regular baths, and keeping a good room temperature plays a crucial role in treating fever.