
What Causes Staph Infections


This is a common occurrence in hospitals. Staphylococcal organisms can get into the body through several ways, and they can find their way to the lungs. Infection of the lungs can lead to the formation of abscess in the lungs and damage to the lungs. This type of pneumonia is actually contagious and can be spread through coughs and sneezes producing droplets that can be picked by those nearby, sharing of cups and utensils, not washing hands regularly, touching used handkerchief or tissue of an infected person. Many people will come in contact with this organism but won’t get infected. People who are at risk of getting infected include: children below the age of 2, pregnant women, people who smoke, those with weak immune systems, adults above 65 years, and etc.

Toxic Shock Syndrome

This condition occurs as a result of the production of toxins produced by staphylococcus aureus when it invades and grows in areas of the body with little or no oxygen supply. The symptoms include sudden onset high fever, vomiting, muscle aches, diarrhea and hypotension. This condition can become life-threatening and can lead to shock and death.