
Miscarriage – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Causes of Miscarriage

Miscarriage occurs as a result of the separation of the placenta and the fetus from the uterine wall. Although there has not been a clear and distinct cause of miscarriage, below are some major causes of miscarriage:

  • During the first three months of pregnancy, the presence of an abnormal fetus is one of the actual causes of miscarriage pain. Research has shown that where there is any slight problem in the genes, it is also responsible for abnormalities in the fetus, and this has been found to be present in more than half of miscarriage cases. Women over the age of 35 are quite prone to a high risk of defective genes [3].
  • Also, when the pregnancy is in its second trimester that is between the fourth and sixth month of pregnancy the causes of miscarriage pains now are as a result of abnormalities in the mother, unlike when in the first trimester, which is related to the fetus. When a woman is diagnosed with any chronic illness, such as high blood pressure, lupus, kidney disease, or diabetes, these are illnesses that are frequent causes of miscarriage. However, it is necessary to undergo parental care, as it helps screen out some of these illnesses.
  • Infections such as mycoplasma, cytomegalovirus, German measles, and any form of germ can also be a noticeable cause of miscarriage.
  • Abnormalities and diseases that are present in the woman’s internal organs are also seen to be causes of miscarriages.
  • Another basic cause that might also be considered is the intake of specific types of drugs such as cocaine and tobacco.
  • Frequent exposure to ultraviolet radiation or toxic substances can also be a cause of miscarriage
  • For conditions in which the woman has any form of hormonal issues [4], it can affect her pregnancy state, thereby causing miscarriage to occur.