
Tummy Time for Baby – What to Expect


According to experts, the best time to have a tummy time is when your baby is awake after a nap, bath, or diaper change.

The practice commonly starts by laying a mat or blanket on the floor in a neat and flat space. And then laying the baby down on their belly.

For your babies, experts advise beginning with 3 to 5 minutes and slowly increasing the minutes every day.

You can place a newborn baby on its belly on your chest or lap for about 1 or 2 minutes. Practice this three times a day to get the best out of the procedure.

It also helps to study what your baby likes and add it to the procedure. For example, some babies may like breastfeeding pillows. You can put the pillow on the floor on a blanket or thick cloth. Then lay the baby down on their belly over the pillow. Ensure their shoulders and arms are propped on top.

Stay with your baby throughout the practice. If you notice your baby falling out of the pillow, you must place her back on the pillow to prevent her from falling.

You can also put toys within your baby’s reach to make her happier. To boost the effects of the practice, you can read a book to your baby or place a board book close to them so they can look at it. This can also help improve their eyesight [5].

After some years, your baby’s eyesight will start to improve. You can improve their eyesight at this stage by placing a mirror in front of the baby so they can see their reflection.

You can make the practice more interesting by engaging in outdoor activities. The tummy time practice helps your baby stay on their tummy for a long period as they grow.