
White Curds in Baby Poops: What It Means and What You Can Do?

Some Causes of White Curds in Baby Poops

Poop is a direct result of our diet and can say a lot about us, the same goes for babies. There are also other relatively harmless causes which include the following.

Undigested Food

White chunks in your baby poop can be from undigested bits of food if he/she has been introduced to solid food. It doesn’t come as a surprise that some food will not get well digested before being pushed into the digestive tracks as your baby isn’t good at chewing food yet and their stomach hasn’t figured out how to deal with all kinds of new foods, hence the white curds. Examples of these foods include cereal (even colored ones appear white in poop), yogurt, cottage cheese, and undissolved baby snacks like teething biscuits.