
10 Common Foods High in Iron


Our body has a lot to gain from the consumption of legumes. This class of food is an excellent source of iron, especially for vegetarians.are soybeans, lentils, chickpeas, and beans. Approximately 198grams (a cup) of lentils contains around 6.6mg of iron.

Interestingly, 86 grams (1/2 cups) of cooked blacked beans offer around 1.8grams of iron.  Additionally, they are excellent sources of magnesium, potassium, and folate. According to research, legumes can decrease the risks of heart disease for individuals with metabolic syndrome. [2]

Red Meat

A good number of people find red meat completely delicious. Aside from the taste, it is also very nutritious. Generally, meat contains a high amount of protein. One hundred grams of beef (ground) contains about 2.7 mg of iron. You can have an adequate level of zinc, selenium, and other B Vitamins. Unlike spinach, red meat holds a degree of heme iron, which helps individuals at risk of anemia. According to research, those who consume red meat have lower tendencies of having iron deficiency. [3]