
Bloated After a Workout: Causes, Treatment and Prevention


There are different reasons that lead to experiencing a post workout bloat and some of these reasons include:

  • Nutrition: eating proper foods before going for a long distance ride or run or any other workout that requires high intensity is a necessity. Eating too close to the time of these workouts is a major factor that causes after workout bloating. Eating directly before going for a workout makes multitasking difficult for the body. The body will struggle to digest food and at the same time struggle to send blood to the muscles being worked on. Foods are rich in fiber, protein, and excessive fat cause bloating after workout the most.
  • Heavy breathing: during workouts, the body makes use of more oxygen and releases more carbon dioxide. However, breathing too hard during a workout causes an individual to suck in more air. Instead of the lungs receiving the sucked air, it goes into the digestive system and causes a feeling of fullness and then bloating.
  • Dehydration: this is a major cause of bloating. Lack of water or fluids in the body system causes the stomach to store water in order to compensate. This causes an irregular visible swelling in the belly area. The best way to avoid the stomach from retaining water is to drink a lot of fluids.
  • Heat: working out under the hot sun, in a warm or stuffy area is another cause of post workout bloating. The heat makes the blood vessels expand and then fluids are stored in the spaces in the tissues.
  • Artificial sweeteners: this leads to bloating because it takes a longer time for the body to digest sweetener and then they hang around the stomach for a while. Before taking a sports drink, check if there are no sweeteners that can lead to bloating afterwards.
  • Overhydration: taking too much during an exercise may also lead to bloating. Too much water dilutes our sodium levels and makes our cells retain more water which results in swelling.