
Bloated After a Workout: Causes, Treatment and Prevention


Apart from getting bloated from a workout. There are other causes of abdominal bloating, such as:

  • Constipation [2]: this results from when the content of food builds up in the gut of an individual. Some causes of this condition include pregnancy, food intolerance, and lack of fiber in the diet, etc. the use of laxatives, exercise, and drinking lots of water help to resolve this condition.
  • Gastroparesis [3]: this condition occurs when the nerves that regulate the movements of the stomach do not work correctly and this causes the food to be passed out of the body system slowly.
  • Infection: stomach infections are caused by a viral infection called norovirus or rotavirus. These infections are usually accompanied by stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and others. Stomach infections are temporal and go on their own after some days.
  • Gas: this is one of the major causes of abdominal bloating. It occurs when there is a buildup of gasses in the stomach and intestines. It gives a feeling like there is something trapped in the belly. This is also a temporal condition; therefore, it goes away after a while.
  • Indigestion: this occurs as a result of overeating, use of medications that irritate the stomach, taking too much alcohol, and infections. This is also called dyspepsia and it occurs briefly.
  • Gynecological disorders: monthly period, menopause [4], or endometriosis [5] may also be a cause of abdominal bloating.
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth: there are varieties of bacteria in the stomach that help in the digestion of food. When there is a disturbance in the balance of these bacteria, it leads to the growth of harmful bacteria called SIBO. This condition is a major cause of bloating of the abdomen.