
Does Stretching Burn Calories?

Kinds of Stretching

The good thing about stretching is that it can be done in different ways. There are several types of stretching, so it’s vital to know which one works for you.

Active and Passive Static Stretching

Let’s start with the most popular kind. Static stretching is done by moving your joints to the end range of motion and staying in that position for a long period. It would help to know that this type of stretching may be accompanied by slight pain, so it must be done cautiously. This type of stretching is mostly done before you begin your main exercise activities. It is done at the beginning as a warm-up and after the exercise as a cooldown.

Static stretches can be further divided into two categories known as active and passive.

Active stretching occurs when a stretch position is held by an opposing (antagonist). The muscle that lengthens during the activity is known as the opposing muscle.  An example of an active stretch is when you lie on your back and raise a straightened leg over your head, then hold it in that position for a specific period. It is normally done for less than 30 seconds.

It would help to know that passive stretching is the popular type. It occurs when you use a piece of equipment, strap, gravity, or another machine to hold a movement with no observable muscle contraction.