
High Knees: Benefits, Muscles Worked, and How-To

How do you do high knees?

Most of us can remember grinding out a round of high knees exercise in elementary or middle school Physical Education class.

While our younger selves might have been able to rep this move without a problem, there’s a good chance we missed learning the steps to perform the high knees exercise properly.

To enable you to perform the exercise effectively, before you get started, make sure you are wearing a comfortable and supportive pair of shoes. Also wear a free sportswear, one that allows lateral movement. Ideally, try to do this exercise on a supportive gym floor or grassy area, especially if you have any knee or ankle issues. With that in mind, here’s how you do high knees.

  1. Stand tall with your feet about hip-to-shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides.
  2. Looking straight ahead, open your chest, and engage your core muscles.
  3. Begin by bringing your right knee toward your chest, slightly above waist level. Simultaneously, move your left hand up in a pumping motion.
  4. Quickly lower your right leg and left hand.

Do it continuously with your left leg and right hands. Alternate your right and left leg for the desired time. Your gym instructor will guide you on how many reps to do.

How long you do the exercise depends on your goal and overall fitness level. You may either count reps or use time. To start, aim for 30 seconds with a 30 seconds rest In between each set.