
Resistance Band Exercises to Tone Your Entire Body

Lateral Walk

Muscles worked on: Glutes [1]

How to do the exercise: Place a resistance band around the thighs and slowly sink seat into a half-squat position. Lift right foot and move one step to the right, followed by the left foot. Then, perform the movement in a reverse direction to go back to the starting point.

Branded Front Squat

Muscles worked on: Hamstrings [2]

How to do the exercise: Stand on the middle of the resistance band with feet hip-width away from each other, holding one end of the band in both hands. Bend your arms so your hands can be close to ears and raise your elbows up until triceps are parallel to the floor and narrow.

This is the starting position. Keeping arms still, engage core and bend at knees to sink hips back and down until your laps become parallel to the floor. Press through your feet so your lags can extend and return to standing position.