
Tadasana Benefits: Science-Based Perks of Mountain Pose

Benefits of Tadasana

Yoga in general when practiced regularly has a lot of health benefits and a positive influence on your overall well-being. Some of the positive effects of yoga on the body include:

  • Relieving pain
  • Building strength
  • Improving flexibility

Yoga is also effective in:

  • relieving stress
  • improving breathing pattern
  • healthy weight management

Tadasana is considered the basis of all standing yoga poses. Similar poses in terms of alignment include:

  • Sirsasana (Headstand)
  • Savasana (Corpse Pose)
  • Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand)

You can easily return to Tadasana in between standing poses to focus on your alignment and balance.

Mountain Pose is known to enhance body awareness so you can correct imbalances and improve alignment, which in total helps reduce your risk of injury.

A pose as simple and static as Tadasana makes it easier to develop awareness and make an adjustment. You can also bring the same attention to more advanced asanas.

Practicing yoga can also offer benefits to your mood, emotions, and mental health. Focusing on your thoughts, breath, and body during Tadasana enhances awareness of the present moment and helps with mental clarity.

According to 2019 research, yoga on its own or with complementary therapy can help relieve depression. Using yoga as a complementary therapy can help with the treatment of anxiety disorders, and other common panic disorders.

A 2017 research also showed that yoga provides several mental benefits. It is seen to help boost mental energy and promote positive emotions. Yoga is also recommended for relieving oneself of anxiety [1], depression [2], and aggression.

Other benefits of Tadasana include:

  • Improving agility
  • Improving posture and body coordination
  • Strengthen your back, pelvic muscle, and legs
  • Relieve sciatic pain
  • Boost blood circulation
  • Tone core muscles