
Diabetes Food List: What You Should Eat and Avoid

Foods to Eat If You Have Diabetes

Fatty Fish

Mackerel, sardines, anchovies, herring, and salmon contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA which have positive effects on the heart. Doctors recommend eating sufficient amounts of these fats regularly to reduce the risks of having stroke and heart disease. DHA and EPA serve as protective barriers against the cells that line blood vessels, improve the activities of the arteries, and decrease markers of inflammation.

According to research, people who eat fatty fish regularly are less likely to develop acute coronary syndromes, such as heart attacks. They are also less likely to die from heart disease. Research shows that regular consumption of fatty fish can also help control blood sugar. A study on 68 adults with obesity showed that people who consumed fatty fish regularly experienced greater improvements in post-meal blood sugar levels than people who ate only lean fish.

Fish also contains high levels of protein, which signals satiety and helps regulate blood sugar levels.