
Greek Yogurt for Breakfast: 10 Healthier Toppings

Almond butter & Coconut flakes

Almond butter [5] is another healthy topping for your Greek yogurt, but it is high in calories. This means you have to monitor how much you add to your Greek yogurt, especially if you are concerned about your weight. The health benefits of almond butter are derived from its richness in fiber, healthy fats, and protein. Not everyone preparing to drink Greek yogurt for breakfast thinks of using coconut flakes as the topping.

Coconut flakes [6] are healthy and make high-quality toppings for Greek yogurt. They make the yogurt more crunchy and enjoyable. If topping your yogurt with coconut flakes, you should go for the unsweetened ones. These types contain little to no sugar and are the healthier option. Coconuts contain a lot of calories. You should consider what this means for you before using it to top your Greek yogurt.