
High Fiber Fruits and Vegetables


Artichoke is a Mediterranean plant cultivated especially for its flowery head. This vegetable contains a lot of nutrients and is one of the richest sources of fiber in the world.

A globe of raw artichoke contains around 6.9 grams of fiber. You can get up to 5.4 grams of fiber per 100 grams of artichoke. [9]


Banana is a bow-shaped yellow or green fruit with a sweet, succulent inside. It is rich in fiber and a lot of nutrients, such as vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium. Unripe bananas are particularly high in resistant starch, a carbohydrate that essentially functions like fiber.

A medium-sized banana contains about 3.1 grams of fiber. 100 grams of banana contain 2.6 grams of fiber. [10]