
The Best & Worst Foods for Rosacea

Effect of Diet on Rosacea

Oxidative stress, a condition in which the body is exposed to a high quantity of oxidants known as free radicals that can result in cell damage, can also produce inflammation in the body. Making dietary modifications may help your rosacea symptoms because specific foods have an impact on oxidative stress and inflammation.

There is growing proof that the health of the gut microbiome also plays a role in the development of rosacea. The group of bacteria that reside in your gut is referred to as the gut microbiome. Your microbiome will be composed of both benign and harmful microbes. Your microbiome’s “health” is determined by the proportion of beneficial to harmful bacteria as well as their level of growth and activity.

More nasty bacteria and fewer healthy bacteria are frequently detected in the guts of rosacea patients. Since your stomach is where food is absorbed, your diet presents a chance to influence your gut’s microbiome. Despite the scant evidence, there is some support for the idea that particular food ingredients may cause or exacerbate rosacea symptoms. Foods contain chemical substances that may affect the body’s signaling pathways that influence inflammation, face flushing, and many other rosacea symptoms. The overwhelming majority of the evidence for food triggers comes from self-reports and appears to be individual; not every person with rosacea is affected by the same triggers.