
Top 10 Probiotic Foods


Like miso and tempeh, natto is another form of fermented soybean product. It possesses a bacterial strain, known as Bacillus Subtilis. Natto is a popular meal in Japan. It is often combined with rice and served with breakfast. It has a unique smell, strong flavour, and smooth texture. Due to the high level of vitamin K2 and protein, natto is often used to improve cardiovascular and bone health.


Studies show that people who consume yoghurt frequently have a high level of beneficial bacteria in their bodies.

Probiotic-induced fermented milk is the major source of yoghurt. Bifidobacterial and lactic acid bacteria are examples of probiotic-induced fermented milk. Yoghurt is known to increase bone strength. Doctors also recommend it to people with high blood pressure. It can be used to improve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and treat diarrhoea [1] in everyone, especially children.

People with lactose intolerance can replace milk with yoghurt, because of the presence of a certain bacteria that converts lactose into lactic acid. The acid is also responsible for the sour taste.

It would help to know that some yoghurt does not have live probiotics. Live bacteria can be killed during production. Ensure you check the label for any live or active cultures before buying a yoghurt. Some products are labelled fat-free or low-fat, but they contain high levels of added sugar.