
Puppy Diarrhea: Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and More


Some common parasites that can attack puppies include roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, coccidian and giardia. These parasites are commonly transmitted through poo when a puppy sniffs and inhales poo of an infected dog. But some, such as roundworms [1] can be transmitted from mother to puppies through the placenta. Apart from having diarrhea, puppies with parasites may have distended bellies, appear thin, or be sluggish. It is possible to see worms in the poo. Parasites can also be found in dirty water, can be transferred from mother to child; this is why it is important to see a puppy’s mum before buying it.

Vetenarians can observe a puppy’s stool for worm eggs and other parasites. Bring a sample along to the hospital, so the doctor can observe. After identifying the parasite, the vet prescribes the best deworming drugs to treat the issue.

When a puppy is treated for worms or other parasite, it does not prevent them from getting them again. Dog owners are advised to painstakingly clean yards to reduce the number of parasitic worms living in the soil and surrounding. Because, the puppy can get infected from her own poop.