
10 Possible Health Benefits of Green Tea

Helps to reduce bad breath

Green tea contains catechins. Catechins have been shown in research to be able to slow down the growth of bacteria and reduce the risk of infection in that area. Streptococcus mutans [2] is a bacteria common in the mouth. This bacteria causes plaque to form in the mouth and leads to cavities and tooth decay. Studies show that the catechins [3] in green tea may hinder the growth of oral bacteria. By doing this, there is a reduction in the risk of having bad breath and already with it, helps reduce the smell too.

Manages hunger

Green tea helps to increase satiety and keep you fuller for longer periods of time. It keeps hunger pangs at bay and makes sure you do not feel the need to overindulge in food. This means that you would consume fewer calories and live a generally healthier life.