
Surprising Benefits and Uses of Myrrh Oil

Promotes Oral Health

Myrrh oil has been suggested to help reduce the inflammation people get from gum disease. Two related studies conducted in 2003 [7] and 2006 [8] have shown that myrrh oil may help protect a person from developing gum disease.

In a study conducted between 2015 and 2016 [9], people who had Bechet’s disease used myrrh as a mouthwash to treat their painful sores every day for one week. Half of these participants experienced complete pain relief. In 18.75 percent of them, the sores were completely healed.

Myrrh is toxic when consumed in high quantities. Be careful not to swallow it when using it as a mouth wash. You also shouldn’t use it if you’ve just had oral surgery. While myrrh oil can help sores heal, it can also degrade some kinds of stitches.