
8 Facts of Vertigo: Symptoms, Causes And Treatments


Common causes of vertigo

BPPV – Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

This type of vertigo isn’t due to an underlying health condition but is brought about by a sudden change in head position. The symptoms are typically brief and unserious. If you suffer from this condition, book a doctor’s appointment for the correct diagnosis and to treat the disorder. Epley or Sermont-Toupet maneuver are common home remedies to treat the disorder.


If you have suffered a cerebral stroke, it can alter the control balance of the brain and can cause recurring vertigo. Transient ischemic attack, ischemia, or hemorrhagic stroke can also cause a dizzy feeling or lightheaded sensation. A stroke occurs when there is a reduced blood supply to the back part of the brain, which causes dizziness.