A burst blood vessel in the eye is an injury that is quite common. This injury, known as a subconjunctival hemorrhage, results in a noticeable dot or patch of blood on the white of your eye.
A ruptured blood artery in the eye is typically not dangerous, despite the fact that it may appear scary. Usually, the only symptoms are slight eye irritation and redness.
The conjunctiva is the transparent membrane that borders the inside of your eyelid and covers the white of your eye. It has numerous fragile capillaries, or tiny blood vessels. Blood might flow under the conjunctiva when a break occurs. The sclera, or white of your eye, becomes intensely red due to the blood.
In the event of a subconjunctival hemorrhage, the blood is immobile and unable to be removed by wiping. However, your eyesight is unaffected, because the blood is not on your cornea or the inside of your eye.
It can be frightful to see the crimson blotches brought on by subconjunctival hemorrhage. However, the majority of cases don’t result in any further symptoms or require medical attention. Usually, they disappear on their own within a
Simply sneezing, coughing, or violently scratching your eyes can cause a blood vessel in your eye to burst. Fortunately, most people who sustain this injury recover quickly and naturally.