
HIV Signs and Symptoms

Flu-Like Symptoms or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Flu-like symptoms are common in some people during the acute stage of an HIV infection. This usually happens within the first two to four weeks [3] after transmission. The symptoms are mild and resemble the flu. Fever, mild sickness, and chills are the most common. Most people won’t even notice the symptoms and those who do rarely suspect HIV.

By the time these symptoms appear, the amount of virus in the bloodstream has become significant enough to infect another person. If you believe you’ve been exposed to the virus, you should see a doctor immediately.

Pelvic inflammatory disease is a bacterial infection of the female reproductive organs. It affects the ovaries, uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes. The US Department of Health and Human Services estimates that it affects 5 percent [4] of women in the US.

This infection is harder to treat in HIV-positive people. The symptoms typically last longer than usual and the disease is likely to recur often.