
How to Stop Leg Cramps: Treatments and Remedies for Relief


Muscle cramps are sometimes a sign that you are not properly hydrated. Drinking enough water, especially one rich in electrolytes, can help relieve your leg cramp. Unlike stretching, the relief may take a while to set in. The advantage is that staying hydrated can help insulate you from additional cramps for a while.


You can also relieve muscle contraction by applying heat to your calf or thigh. Many physical therapists recommend doing this using Epsom salt [3]. This is because Epsom salt contains magnesium, an important element for your muscles.

Use Epsom salt by applying it to a wet warm cloth and pressing it against the muscles of your affected leg. Alternatively, you may pour some salt into a bucket of warm water and soak your cramped muscle in it.

Heat application to a cramped muscle does not always need to be done using Epsom salts. You can soak your legs in a warm bath even without salts. Applying warm heat pads may also help loosen the tension in the cramped muscle.

Use a warm, not hot compress, when heating your legs so you don’t scald yourself. If using a heating pad, start at the lowest heat and only up the temperature if you don’t get any relief.