
Pain After Dental Implants: What’s Normal?


Dental Implant surgery involves, your surgeon opening up tissues in your mouth and drilling titanium rid into the bone underneath your gums. This is to create a root for the placing of the false tooth.

Before the procedure your dentist will place you under local anesthesia [1], so you don’t feel pain in your mouth during the surgery.

Although, after the surgery, you may begin to feel the pain that may last for some days, your dentist will administer pain medication to you after your surgery. If the pain lasts longer than a few days or worsens, extra medical care will be required.

There are majorly three steps to dental implants, they include:

  • Tooth removal
  • Implant rod or screw insertion
  • Replacement tooth insertion

These three procedures may be spaced apart.

Your surgeon will wait to place a replacement crown until your bone firmly sets the titanium rods. It may take months for the rods to fuse to the bone under your gums.

Is Dental Implant Surgery Painful?

Since your surgeon will administer local anesthesia, you shouldn’t feel pain during dental implant surgery. Your doctor may also add some extra sedation or general anesthesia. You’ll be notified before your surgery about what anesthesia you will be getting.

The type of anesthesia you’ll be given will depend on your specific condition. The objective is to help you not feel pain during the procedure.