
Kegel Exercises for Urinary Incontinence

Finding the Right Muscles to Tighten for Kegel Exercises

The entire concept of Kegel exercises is based on the tightening of specific muscles. In performing the exercise, the individual needs to pretend to urinate, then tighten the appropriate muscles. Once the pelvic floor muscles are tightened, it indicates that the individual has performed the exercise appropriately.


Performing Kegel Exercises

It’s advisable to do the Kegel exercises three times daily, especially when the individual knows the muscles that should be tightened. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Ensure that the bladder doesn’t contain urine, then sit down
  • Tighten the pelvic floor muscles; it’s essential to leave them tightened between three to five seconds.
  • Relax the pelvic muscles and leave them relaxed for the same amount of time.
  • The entire process should be done ten times, thrice daily.

Ensure that the body is in a relaxed position when performing these exercises. It’s also crucial to avoid stiffening the stomach, buttocks, chest, muscles, or thighs in the process to ensure appropriate results.

Individuals that perform these exercises may feel better after a stretch of four to six weeks. Consistency in performing these exercises is essential, but they don’t have to be increased daily. Overdoing these exercises may cause a certain level of strain when moving the bowels.