
12 Best Foods That Help Ease Your Arthritis Pain

Fatty Fish

There are varieties of fatty fish, including sardines, mackerel, and trout. These fishes are high in omega-3 fatty acids, [3] which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.

According to a study of 176 people, those who ate fish two or more times a week showed a significantly lower disease activity score than those who ate less than 1 serving of fish a month.

Different studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acid supplements can help decrease joint pain intensity, stiffness in the morning, and the number of painful joints. Studies also show that eating fish and vegetables regularly helps lower RA activity.

Fish is also a good source of vitamin D, [4] which helps prevent deficiency. Different studies have been able to link RA to low level vitamin D, contributing to symptoms. The Arthritis Foundation recommends a 3-6 ounce serving of fish two to four times a week to take advantage of the beneficial anti-inflammatory properties.