
16 Foods That Lower Cholesterol


Oats contain high amounts of nutrients and fiber. They also contain high beta-glucan levels, which is a soluble fiber responsible for lowering cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. Study shows that beta-glucan as low as three grams can reduce LDL levels from five to ten percent, decreasing the risk of coronary disease. The same soluble fiber is also responsible for the increased growth of bacteria in the digestive tract. [3]



Tree nuts like pistachios, pecans, and walnuts have cholesterol-lowering abilities. These tree nuts contain plant sterols, which are a group of substances produced in plants. They are also found in high amounts in vegetable oils and seeds. Plant sterols help in blocking the absorption of cholesterol by the blood.

Besides, they help in the removal of cholesterol from the body system. Research shows that a group of participants was given pretzels, and the others were offered an equal-calorie portion of pistachios in the afternoon. Participants in the pistachios group discovered a reduction in their BMI and improved the cholesterol and triglyceride levels over three months. [4]