
9 Science-Based Benefits of Vitamin B12

Help Prevent the Loss of Neurons

Vitamin B12 may be beneficial to the human brain by preventing the loss of neurons. Deficiency of the nutrient is linked with conditions like memory loss, specifically in older adults. Vitamin B12 plays an important role in preventing atrophy, which is usually related to dementia.

According to research [8] in individuals with early-stage dementia, it was discovered that a mix of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12 supplements slowed down the rate of mental decline.

In another research, it was also discovered that the lower-than-normal vitamin B12 levels play a part in the bad memory performance. For this reason, supplementing [9] with the vitamin could help memory, even when there’s no medical report or diagnosis of deficiency. Note that there’s a need for more research to make the best conclusions on this vitamin’s effect on cognitive function and memory.